
A choice of Seto language words related to food. Even though the Seto language is a dialect, it includes many dialects of its own. So, there are usually more than one version of a word. However, the list of words in the dictionary below makes it hopefully a little bit easier to understand what’s on the menu when travelling in Setomaa.

han(d)sa          strong home-distilled spirits

huunisa’          false morels

hämmätüs       milk or sour cream-based sauce

iätüs                ice cream

ja(a)heliha      jellied meat

kaar                 oats

karamelka(s)   hard candy

kiisla               oat flummery (a dish made from fermented ground or rolled oats)

keldokala, kelt            dried fish, mainly roach

kesõv   barley; kesväkarask    a bread made from barley flour

kikkasiin         chanterelle mushroom

kohetus           dough/batter

kruusa’            (wild) pears

kurslik             garlic

kusk                 ruffe (fish species)

kutja                ritual funeral food, e.g. of peas and honey water

kõrgahus         Lactarius mushroom, milkcap

kürbits             pumpkin

makõsiin         Russula mushroom

piirak              pie, pastry

porovik           cep (mushroom)

poslamasla      sunflower oil

pliin                (thick) pancake

ritk                  black radish

ruug                thick soup

rüäleib             rye bread

sahvt               jam

sepp                 yeast

sitiga’              currants (i.e. red and black currants)

sõir                  a specific fresh curd cheese

sudak               pike-perch

suulliim           a cold soup served in summertime

suurma’           barley groats

taar                 kvass

taarikapsta’    kvass-based soup with sauerkraut, beet-root and dried smelt

tatiruug           mushroom soup (primarily made from ceps)

tsäi                  tea

tsäärpiim        colostrum

upin     õun; ubinapiirak        apple pie/cake

upinhain         kummel; upinhainatsäi          chamomile tea

vatsk                a small loaf of bread, like a scone

vislapuumar’a’           cherries

võiukohopiim              curds smeared with a layer of butter

luits                 spoon

väits                knife